A centralised hub to accept packages of candidate data in native formats, transform and normalise them, store central business logic and export a standardised result set to an endpoint.
In case of “Email Apply” workflow, The candidate will apply for a job on the job board itself and job boards will send the candidate's data to Veritone Hire. From Veritone Hire, the unified candidate data is sent to the ATS/CRM systems using the candidate hub API. For this to work, Veritone Hire will set up a candidate hub pipeline, which requires a candidate importer URL from the ATS/CRM side on which the candidate data will be sent.
To receive candidate’s detail into ATS/CRM system, please find the documentation on below link
To set up a candidate hub pipeline, a URL for the ATS/CRM candidate importer will be required on which Veritone Hire will send the candidate details.
Also, for candidate hub integration to work properly ATS/CRM systems must develop a call back mechanism on their side. This helps in identifying any issue later in the system if any failure occurs in candidate delivery.